Help and How To

Current Time where Techmates are: 07:38 have written the following help and how to sections to help people solve their own IT issues. Some of the most common problems that we come across are listed below. Once the problem has been identified the repair or fix is normally quite straight forward.

Title Description Time to fix
HTTP Error 400 Bad Request With Office365 Microsoft Login Page Bad Request - Request Too Long, HTTP Error 400. The size of the request headers is too long. Office365 and Google Chrome Browser problem. 15 minutes.
Heartbleed Bug: Tech firms urge password resets OpenSSL under attack N/A
Metropolitan Police Ransom-Ware Scam This ransom-ware tells you that your computer is blocked - don't pay them its a scam! 1 to 3 Hours
Companies House Fake Email CH Fake Email N/A
Windows XP Users 6 Times More Likely to Be Hacked Than Windows 7 Users Hackers Love Windows XP N/A
Remove Crypto Locker Ransom Ware which encrypts files on your computer. 1 to 4 hours.